22 August 2024

3 Ways to Protect Your Network

Lida Citroën

While the headline to this article might suggest I’m offering important technical tips to safeguard your internet service, home Wi-Fi network or VPN account, that’s not the network I’m speaking of. While your professional network is equally important as the data you store on your computer, we often leave this network exposed and vulnerable to risk, deterioration and intrusion.

Your professional network consists of the contacts you intentionally curate relationships with to serve your career growth, philanthropic pursuits and interests. Sometimes a contact becomes part of your network online only, sometimes in person only and often in both ways. Guarding the relationships you’ve spent time developing is vital to ensure your network serves you in the ways that matter most.

1. Be Clear on Your Goals for the Relationship

With each contact to whom you pursue a networking relationship, decide how they’ll best serve you. Can they connect you to people of influence? Do they possess valuable and unique information? Are they supportive and encouraging?

Each contact in your network doesn’t need to fulfill the same expectations, but there should be a clear value to you. You will spend a lot of time and resources to build a fruitful relationship, so ensure the goal is clear, measurable and meaningful to you.

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