
20 July 2024

When Modi Met Moscow – Analysis

Sumit Ganguly

In a striking departure from the practice of first visiting India’s South Asian neighbours after assuming the premiership, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after being elected for a third term, chose Moscow for his inaugural foreign visit. What explains his decision to visit Russia and bear hug Russian President Vladimir Putin even at the cost of irking the United States?

One of India’s principal concerns in Moscow’s growing closeness (and dependence) on Beijing since the onset of the Russia–Ukraine war. New Delhi has watched this development with an increasing sense of foreboding because of its enduring rivalry with Beijing, which has worsened in the recent past.

Consequently, it is reasonable to surmise that Modi decided to travel to Moscow to reaffirm India’s long-standing friendship with Russia, especially at a time when Russia is feeling the effects of diplomatic and economic isolation owing to Western sanctions. Whether this gesture on Modi’s part will lead to any attenuation of Moscow’s dependence on Beijing remains an open question.

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