16 July 2024

The U.S. Needs to Rebuild Its Military Might - OPINION

Dan Sullivan

Nearly every leader I spoke with during this week’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit agrees: The world has become consumed by chaos. Dictators in Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are working together to undermine the free world. There’s little doubt why they feel emboldened: Under the Biden administration, U.S. military readiness has significantly diminished and authoritarians sense weakness. They’re perceptive.

America urgently needs to embrace the philosophy of peace through strength that has guided Republican presidents from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump and kept our nation safe. Thankfully at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next week, Mr. Trump will present the Republican Party’s plan to do exactly that should he be re-elected in November.

The party’s recently released platform calls for making America’s military the “most modern, lethal and powerful” force in the world. That isn’t a new playbook. The GOP has a long tradition of championing robust investments in America’s vital defense needs. The Democrats, meantime, have targeted the nation’s defense budget since at least Jimmy Carter’s presidency at the expense of our military readiness and national security.

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