31 July 2024

The Perils of 'Open Source' AI, According to Experts

Monica Sager

The debate over whether increasingly advanced software code should be treated as a trade secret or openly available to anyone who wants it took a turn this week when Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, called for an open-source approach to artificial intelligence development — then put his money where his mouth is by launching an open-sourced AI app that the company claims can compete with the best closed AI models, like OpenAI's ChatGPT.

"It's a fundamentally different move than the companies who are taking responsibility for how they're using their models and are making sure their models are do certain things and won't do other certain things," Anthony Aguirre, the executive director of the nonprofit Future of Life Institute, told Newsweek.

"Safety regulation is just not compatible with open release of those models."

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