25 July 2024

Russia, China Sell Cyber Weapons to Hamas, Cybersecurity Expert Claims

Hugh Cameron

Hamas has reportedly acquired sophisticated criminal malware to target Israeli infrastructure and entities, opening another front in the ongoing conflict.

However, one expert told Newsweek that attacks originating from the Gaza Strip were becoming increasingly unlikely due to the damage caused to the region by Israeli bombardment.

According to National Security News, Hamas has begun "renting complex computer viruses" and using these to attack the Israeli Defense Forces and other government agencies.

Using cheap malware known as "info-stealers," the group is reportedly uploading viruses to target computers via emails, games or PDF documents, and using these to steal confidential data.

Alberto Casares, chief technology officer at California-based cyber security company Constella Intelligence, told National Security News that the technology could have originated from Russia, China, Iran or North Korea.

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