
17 July 2024

Railgun Ammo-Firing Air Defense Artillery Cannon Plans Laid Out By Army


The U.S. Army hopes to start fielding a new air defense system based around a wheeled self-propelled 155mm howitzer, which could use ammunition originally developed for an abortive U.S. Navy electromagnetic railgun, before the end of the decade. The service is pursuing the Multi-Domain Artillery Cannon (MDAC) as a way to further expand its already growing air and missile defense capabilities, especially in expeditionary scenarios and when it comes to defending against increasing cruise missile threats. The goal with MDAC is also to offer a lower-cost alternative to traditional surface-to-air missiles.

The Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) recently issued a request for information regarding plans to acquire complete MDAC prototypes.

“Responses must clearly demonstrate technical qualifications, capability, and experience to provide a prototype MDAC solution with battery-level prototype deliveries no later than Q4FY27 [fourth quarter Fiscal Year 2027] followed by an Operational Demonstration (OD) in FY28,” the RCCTO RFI says. “The MDAC OD in FY28 will be composed of prototypes delivered under this RCCTO effort combined with similar prototypes delivered under separate Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs) developed for the Hypervelocity Gun Weapon System (HGWS).”

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