8 July 2024

Our Weakness Invites Aggression

Dave Hoppe

The turmoil caused by President Biden’s weak performance last Thursday continues to swirl. Most of the attention has been given to the political question of whether he should remain as the Democratic nominee for President. This is the wrong question. If President Biden is not fit to be the Democratic candidate for President, how can he possibly be fit to serve as President? If he is not willing to resign as President, the 25th Amendment should be invoked, removing Biden from the presidency and installing Kamala Harris in his stead.

That brings up a more important question: Vice President Harris has little or no experience in foreign policy and no experience in geopolitical and defense policy. Most of the tasks she has been assigned as VP have been failures. Does she have the strength to stand up to China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea at this time of great peril?

Presidential elections are a dangerous time, especially when our adversaries are at war on two fronts and daily threatening a third. Our weakness invites aggression in Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific . The imminent danger is that Hezbollah will be unleashed by Iran to fire all its missiles into Israel. Israel’s justifiable retaliation for this would raise the specter of Iranian nuclear weapons and a horrific escalation of conflict in the Middle East.

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