
18 July 2024

Mercenaries in Ukraine- Will They Win the War?

Patrick Drennan

Russia is using their vast oil and mineral wealth to hire mercenaries from impoverished parts of Pakistan, Syria, and Africa. The BBC created a useful chart, that shows the increasing use of mercenaries, and conscripts from the poor parts of Russia.

Despite his denials, Putin’s recent visit to North Korea is an attempt to recruit more. The mercenaries have few Russian language skills, and no ideological interest. While they probably represent only about 18,000 (and growing) numbers of the total troops engaged in frontline attacks on Ukraine, they have their uses. Many of them are given two weeks training and sent to die in headlong charges against the Ukrainian drones and artillery - often before they can be paid.

Ukraine has about 13,000 mercenaries (a conservative estimate based on both Russian and Ukrainian claims). Many are driven by an ideological hatred of Putin and his administration, as well as the money. Although there are some mercenaries in the Ukrainian forces who only joined for the money. The Ukrainians pay US$600 to US$3,300 per month depending on specific combat role, and the Russians about $1200 per month. The difference between being a paid volunteer and a mercenary is borderline - both are being employed to fight for others.

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