19 July 2024

Marines on the hunt for rifle-mounted jammers to defeat enemy drones


The Marine Corps sent a sources-sought notice to industry Monday as it looks for solutions to meet an “emerging urgent requirement” for new tools to help dismounted troops fend off small enemy drones.

Vendors with mature capabilities that seem promising may be invited to an industry day in September at Twentynine Palms, California, to see how their systems perform against live targets, according to the RFI.

The service is looking for new technologies to help “every” Marine defend against unmanned aerial systems. At the squad level, that includes a “non-kinetic” capability with a directional radio frequency and/or GPS jammer, “ideally able to mount on organic rifle,” per the RFI. At the platoon level, the Corps is eyeing omni-directional jammers and spoofers.

For “kinetic” solutions, the service is interested in a rifle/rifle optic that can track and shoot down Group 1 and Group 2 unmanned aerial systems — which are categories of drones that are on the small end of the spectrum — with “enhanced ammunition” for existing firearms.

Marines also need sensors that alert them to adversaries’ UAS. That’s why the Corps wants a passive detection system that uses acoustic or RF detection.

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