
22 July 2024

Israel's defense establishment in shock by Houthi Tel Aviv drone attack - analysis


The Israeli defense establishment is in a state of complete shock.

Though the writing was on the wall, no one saw it coming from a couple thousand kilometers away.

That is despite the fact that Hezbollah has managed to successfully strike Israel dozens of times with drones without being detected.

The Houthis and an Iranian militia from Iraq have successfully hit parts of Eilat, including a naval base, using drones from late 2023 to mid-2024, without being detected.

Israel has essentially outsourced its defense responses regarding the Houthis to the US.

Israeli security and rescue personnel at the scene of a drone explosion in Tel Aviv on July 19, 2024. (credit: ERIK MARMOR/FLASH90)

Only pre-October 7 thinking would have missed the possibility that the Houthis might attack other parts of Israel with drones.

And now one Israeli is dead and around a dozen wounded in the heart of one of Israel's two most important cities, Tel Aviv.

No sense of immediacy

Israel has been moving in slow motion when attempting to improve their agency of shooting down low-flying drones, which can outwit Israeli radar, anti-air batteries, and aircraft much better than ballistic rockets.

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