
20 July 2024

Is China all set to overtake US in advanced technologies?- Opinion

Air Marshal Anil Chopra

Many recent studies indicate that China leads US in global competition for some key emerging technologies. There are others who put it that “No. China’s is not surpassing America in technology, but it is America that is getting left behind.” Since 1979 China has not fought a war. The US is "the most warlike nation in the history of the world". As the self-appointed global policeman, US has been busy at wars for many decades and spending trillions of dollars. China has been utilising the time and money in developing technologies and military power. Where do the two stand?

World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023

The report on World Intellectual Property (IP) Indicators 2023, indicates that innovators around the world submitted a record high of nearly 3.5 million patent applications in 2022. IP applications worldwide were 3,457,400 and China had 1,619,268 which was 46.8 per cent of the global figures. The US at 594,340 had 17.2 per cent, and Japan with 289,530 had 8.4 per cent. China’s patent office granted 14.7 per cent more patents in 2022 than in 2021, marking a third consecutive year of double-digit growth. Also as in 2022, China had the highest number of patents in force, accounting for approximately a quarter of the world total. The stock of pending applications at China’s patent office nearly doubled, growing from around 1.3 million in 2021 to approximately 2.6 million in 2022. China led in all categories including utility models, trademarks applications, and industrial designs applications.

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