
27 July 2024

Indian-Made Weapons In Ukraine: What Are The Implications For New Delhi – OpEd

Alan Callow
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The appearance of Indian-made ammunition in Ukraine has caused a heated discussion in the expert community, creating a ground for speculations regarding India’s political course. A number of expert assessments boil down to the fact that India made a mistake by trusting the importing countries, which did not miss the opportunity to supply Indian ammunition to Ukraine. Some experts believe that New Delhi deliberately provoked Russia for excessive rapprochement with China. Each point of view has its place, but in this material we will try to give our assessment of this decision and its consequences.

For India, indirect involvement in the conflict in Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for the country’s foreign policy, economy and regional status. Although the Indian government claims that the weapons were not directly supplied to Ukraine, the consequences of this decision are likely to be felt in various sectors.

Tense relations with Russia

One of the most serious consequences is the potential deterioration of relations with Russia, a long-standing strategic partner and a major arms supplier to the Indian Army. By supplying arms to Ukraine, even indirectly through third countries, India could be perceived as a party to the conflict, which could irritate Russia and affect their bilateral relations. This is particularly worrisome for India as Russia is a crucial partner in areas such as defence, energy and space exploration. India may face difficulties in procuring critical defence systems such as the S-400 missile defence system, which is a critical component of its national security architecture.

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