12 July 2024

How Macron Broke the French Political System


It is my pleasure to introduce my readers to Philippe Lemoine. Philippe is a philosopher by training who writes about politics, science, and philosophy, foreign policy, and various other issues interesting to him. I encourage you to follow him on Twitter or here on Substack.

The French election results are a huge mess. A grasp of the basics is available anywhere, but readers who enjoy our deep-dive editions will want more. Here at Restoration, we try to provide that kind of in-depth analysis whenever possible. We are extremely grateful to Philippe for providing that to our readers. Enjoy!


Three days ago, French voters surprised most observers by giving the National Rally, Marine Le Pen’s nationalist party, only a quarter of the seats. Yet, 38% of French voters voted for them, significantly more than any other party. The left and the center only got a quarter of the vote each, but each ended up with more seats than the right. What happened was complicated; the consequences are more complicated still. In short, the alliance of left and center was enough to keep power out of the hands of the right, but it will not be enough to govern. France is now in political terra incognita and nobody knows what is going to happen next.

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