
25 July 2024

David Lammy is dangerously naive about Hamas

Stephen Pollard

Well that didn’t take long. David Lammy has been foreign secretary for just two weeks, but it’s now clear where he stands on those who enable terror. To put it bluntly: he couldn’t care less.

Speaking this morning in the Commons, Mr Lammy confirmed what had been expected – that the UK will resume funding to Unrwa (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, to give it its full title).

In January, the Conservative government stopped funding Unrwa when the Israeli government claimed that some of its employees had taken part in the October 7 Hamas massacre – and that Unrwa had a long history of doing nothing about Hamas’ infiltration of the organisation.

Lammy’s response to this, as he told the Commons today, is that, “I was appalled by the allegations that Unrwa staff were involved in the October 7 attacks.” But, heh ho, all’s well: “We are reassured that after Catherine Colonna’s independent review, Unrwa is ensuring they meet the highest standards of neutrality and strengthening its procedures, including on vetting.”

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