27 July 2024

Beyond Doha: Why The West Engages With The Taliban – Analysis

Anant Mishra and Prof. Dr. Christian Kaunert

With Taliban completing almost three years of rule (since they first took control of Afghanistan in 2021), global economies continue to struggle on how to best deal with the group. The contention (among scholars) not only rest on nation’s employing varying diplomatic means to engage with the group, but varying mechanisms even to approach the group, one which was visible during series of engagements initiated by the United Nations in Doha, which concluded recently on June 30.

The meeting witnessed participation from the official spokesperson of the Taliban, but Afghan women among other key representatives of the Afghan community, local humanitarian aid institutions and key political actors, were simply absent. Hosting a meeting with such a composition (without a legitimate entity representing local Afghans), reflects some form of compliance from the Western community to reconcile with the Taliban (on their terms), making it difficult for immediate neighbours to formulate an Afghan policy (instead forcing them to streamline their Taliban approach) without throwing regional stability into disarray.

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