4 June 2024

We Need the Pax Americana. A Multipolar World Spells Doom for the Wes

Nile Gardiner, PhD

Pax Americana, or American dominance, has declined so swiftly under Joe Biden that the world’s superpower now pays its respects to tyrants and terrorists when they die.

Hence the humiliating sight this week at the UN Security Council of U.S. officials joining in a moment of silence for Iran’s late president, Ebrahim Raisi, killed in a helicopter crash near the border with Azerbaijan. Ronald Reagan would have been appalled. This was a new low, even for the Biden administration.

Raisi carried the well-earned title of “Butcher of Tehran,” and had been a key figure in the development of Iran’s nuclear programme, as well as Iran’s vast role in fueling terrorist activity across the Middle East, including arming and funding murderous groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. He was so close to Iran’s Supreme Leader that he was expected to ultimately be his successor.

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