
14 June 2024

US Confirms Ukraine's Patriots Downed Putin's Rare Radar Plane: 'Historic'

David Brennan

Asenior U.S. Army officer has confirmed that Ukraine used one of its American-made Patriot surface-to-air missile systems to down a Russian Beriev A-50 airborne early warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft in January 2024.

Colonel Rosanna Clemente, the assistant chief of staff of the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, said in comments at the Fires Symposium event last month that Ukraine's Western-provided Patriot anti-air systems are serving Kyiv in various roles.

Clemente said some Patriot launchers are "being used to protect static sites and critical national infrastructure. Others are being moved around and doing some really historic things that I haven't seen in 22 years of being an air defender. And one of them is a 'SAMbush.'"

"They're doing that with extremely mobile Patriot systems that were donated by the Germans because the systems are all mounted on the trucks."

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