
14 June 2024

The U.S. Military Can't Stop China from Taking the South China Sea

Brandon J. Weichert

South China Sea: The Overlooked Flashpoint in U.S.-China Tensions

The world perceives the tension between the United States and the People’s Republic of China as existing squarely in that 100-mile swathe of water separating China from Taiwan known as the Taiwan Strait. Indeed, the Taiwan Strait is the center of gravity of any potential conflict between China and America.

Yet there are many points of contact beyond the Taiwan Strait where tensions could boil over into a full conflagration between the two nuclear-armed powers. One such area is the South China Sea.

China’s History of Aggression

China’s government likes to challenge new American presidents to see how much they can get away with under the new president’s leadership. Early in the Obama administration, China began an ambitious project to build manmade islands in the South China Sea.

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