
1 June 2024

The Strategic Imperative of U.S.-Israel Cooperation

Philip M. Breedlove & John Bird

America’s support for Israel’s ongoing war of national survival against an Iranian terror network dedicated to its destruction has become an increasingly divisive topic, from university campuses to the corridors of Washington. Faltering U.S. backing for Israel, one of our strongest allies, is extremely dangerous for both U.S. and Israeli national security. That is why we joined with more than 95 other retired U.S. generals and admirals to sign a Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) letter urging the United States to continue its unwavering support of Israel.

The benefits of a strong U.S.-Israel partnership (beyond national security) are too many and too valuable to lose. Our respective goals, interests, and values are aligned, both in the current conflict and more broadly going forward; they can be better realized through cooperation than discord. While as allies we may disagree, how and where those disagreements are expressed matters because our adversaries and other allies alike are watching.

Israel is fighting for its very existence in an unprecedented multifront conflict. It is defending itself against a genocidal terrorist threat that, on October 7, perpetrated the greatest loss of innocent Jewish life since the Holocaust. Meanwhile, Iran’s other regional proxies, from Yemen to Lebanon – the very same entities attacking U.S. troops – and even Iran itself have been attacking Israel.

While Israel is fighting by itself, it is not for itself alone. For its security and ours, Israel must emerge victorious. And that victory requires and must be seen to have been made possible by, U.S. assistance.

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