
6 June 2024

The Sprint Becomes a Marathon: News from Russia's War

John Carpenter

Russia does not want real peace. Let’s start with the facts on Russia’s other borders:
  • Last week, Estonian buoys marking the riverine border between Estonia and Russia had been removed unilaterally by the Russians in an overnight provocation
  • Also last week, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it will need to revise its current maritime borders around Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg in the Baltic Sea. Those borders, they claim, are due to inaccurate Soviet calculations from 1985. The revisions, of course, would be to the immediate detriment of Lithuania, Estonia, and Finland, and by swift extension to Sweden and Latvia — as well as any other nation doing business in the Baltic Sea.
  • Meanwhile, civilians in the Baltic States are being told to prepare go-bags and set up bomb shelters. That advice, I’m told, is a rare point of agreement between local patriots and the local Russian parties: patriots want people to be as safe as possible in case of invasion, but Putinists hoping for reunion with Moscow benefit from the climate of fear and the instability that such preparations imply.
As the Hamas war proceeds, it’s crucial that Iran’s terrorist proxies be defeated and that our universities remain places of free speech and learning. But it is also vital that we not lose sight of what is happening in the European war to stop Iran’s biggest ally.

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