
28 June 2024


The Army should integrate cyber warfare, artificial intelligence and autonomous systems to maintain the information advantage, according to the author of a new paper published by the Association of the U.S. Army.

“Information is the raison d’être for command and control, situational understanding, decision-making and nearly all action across the warfighting functions,” retired Lt. Col. Amos Fox writes. “Bold steps are required for the Army to maximize its potential in the information dimension. It must carefully examine how to reorganize its forces, rewrite its concepts and doctrines, and reimagine the battlefield.”

In “Information Advantage: Using Cyber Warfare and HMI to Seize the Initiative,” Fox argues that data and information should be “reimagined” for future battlefields. Fox is a fellow with Arizona State University’s Future Security Initiative. He also works as an independent defense and security studies analyst, hosts the “Revolution in Military Affairs” podcast and serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of Military Studies.

Fox cites the Army’s definition of information advantage as “when a force holds the initiative in terms of situational understanding, decision-making and relevant actor behavior.”

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