
18 June 2024

Microsoft’s work to strengthen cybersecurity protection

Brad Smith

Chairman Green, Ranking Member Thompson, and Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear to discuss Microsoft’s commitment and ongoing work to strengthen cybersecurity protection. As you know, this work comes in part in response to the Cyber Safety Review Board’s (CSRB) report on the Microsoft Exchange Online cyber intrusion in 2023 by malicious actors referred to as Storm-0558, affiliated with the People’s Republic of China.

Let me first note my appreciation for the critical role this Committee plays in protecting the homeland security of the United States. In the world today, America’s homeland cannot be secured without protecting the cyber domain. Cybersecurity has become a collective duty that spans both the public and private sectors. Given this Committee’s responsibilities, I appreciate the importance of your oversight not only of the executive branch, but of tech companies.

Before I say anything else, I think it’s especially important for me to say that Microsoft accepts responsibility for each and every one of the issues cited in the CSRB’s report. Without equivocation or hesitation. And without any sense of defensiveness. But rather with a complete commitment to address every recommendation and use this report as an opportunity and foundation to strengthen our cybersecurity protection across the board.

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