7 June 2024

Marine Corps University PressJournal of Advanced Military Studies, Spring 2024, v. 15, no. 1

Military Spacesteading: Space-based Logistics Mediums for Future Beachheads

The Void Above: The Future of Space Warfare and a Call to Update the Rule of International Space Law

The Soviet Sputniks and American Fears about the Militarization of Outer Space

Marine Corps and Space Force Integration for a More Lethal Joint Task Force to Counter China

A Call for Space-Domain Intelligence Training

Kim Jong United: How a Future North Korean ASAT Threat Makes Strange International Bedfellows and Novel Opportunity

Characterizing Future Authoritarian Governance in the Space Domain

Space Technology and Its Military Application: Options for Pakistan

Breaking the Newtonian Fetish: Conceptualizing War Differently for a Changing World

The Sky Is Not the Limit: The Unknowable Future of Space

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