
21 June 2024

Future Wars Will Be Cyber—Here's How To Protect Your Organization

In 1999, I interviewed a futurist from a popular publication who told me that the wars of the future would not include missiles, bombs and bullets (kinetic), but would be fought computer versus computer. Since we are in the age of AI and quantum computing, what was then science fiction is now becoming science fact.

Today, quantum computers pose a huge threat to internet data security—and the internet is a way of life for most of us. While we are not yet at a point where nations will surrender based on losing a computer battle, let’s see where we are today and how we will soon reach a non-kinetic battlefront fought only in cyberspace.

The Role Of Cyberattacks In War

In addition to being cost-effective and stealthy, cyberattacks can be even more effective than bombs and missiles since cyberattacks can cripple critical infrastructure, such as weapons systems, GPS, energy grids and financial systems. Additionally, data can be stolen today and stored for nefarious use after it is decrypted in the future (by a quantum computer or other means).

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