
26 June 2024

French Army Chief Forecasts End of Drone Dominance, Calls for Enhanced Defenses

Yuvraj Tyagi

French Army Chief of Staff Gen. Pierre Schill delivered a stark assessment at the Eurosatory defence show in Paris, predicting the fleeting supremacy of small aerial drones on modern battlefields, exemplified notably in Ukraine. Speaking to reporters during a tour of the French Army stand, Schill emphasized the vulnerability of current anti-drone systems and the imperative for advancing countermeasures.

"Today, small, rudimentary drones enjoy a momentary advantage over battlefields, exploiting gaps in our defences," Schill stated. He highlighted that electronic warfare tactics have already claimed a significant toll, with 75% of drones in Ukraine succumbing to such measures.

Schill underscored the evolving landscape, noting, "The current era of drone impunity is temporary. We must adapt and enhance our defensive capabilities. The shield will soon outgrow the sword."

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