
12 June 2024

CHIPS Act Wins the Battle, But Not the Semiconductor War

Nicola Stoev

The prevailing side in the competition over the green economy and global chip industry will become a dominant economic force over the coming decades. Few people doubt that.

The global chip market size is expected to reach $588.4 billion in 2024. Data from the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) reveals that global chip sales decreased 8.2% in 2023 to $526.8 billion and reached their highest level in 2022, at $574.1 billion, following the coronavirus pandemic slump. It’s now clear that sales in the sector are growing in an overall stable and dynamic trend.

This growth stability in the chips sector is related not only to market size, but also sectorial revenue volume generation, which more or less is autonomous of the fluctuating growth percentage of the revenue over the sales.

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