
6 June 2024

Building the Future: Center for a New American Security

Today, the world and U.S. national security policy stand at a critical intersection. An aggressive, revisionist Russia, a rising China, war in the Middle East, profound technological disruption, and deep domestic divisions raise questions about America’s global future. The stakes for the nation are high, and CNAS is committed to developing bold, innovative, and bipartisan policies for the country’s most important national security choices. Never before has the demand for the Center’s work been greater.

Since its founding in 2007, CNAS has stood at the forefront of the most urgent issues, producing rigorous, fact-based analysis and actionable policy recommendations. The Center punches well above its weight in policy impact, outperforming its peers in an array of key metrics. An organization of “futures, not formers,” CNAS has launched experts into government and trained new generations of national security leaders on both sides of the aisle. And there is more—much more—to come.

Today, more than ever, America requires bipartisan policy solutions to the toughest problems. For all of the Center’s impact over the past decade and a half, our work is just beginning.

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