30 May 2024

The High-Speed X-Plane That Could Revolutionize Warfare

Martha McHardy

Boeing and its research subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences have unveiled a new high-speed X-plane that could revolutionize warfare.

Aurora told Newsweek the X-plane, which combines the agility of Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft with the speed of a 747 jet, is "game-changing."

"Through our X-plane concept for the DARPA SPRINT program, we aim to demonstrate technologies that will enable the game-changing combination of high-speed flight with the ability to take off and land in austere environments," Larry Wirsing, vice president of aircraft development at Aurora Flight Sciences, said.

The aircraft will not be used in the field but instead will be used to test technologies for military aircraft used for Special Forces missions. The aim is to improve aircraft speed and the ability of the planes to take off from unconventional runways.

Aurora added that such technologies will allow aircraft to cruise at 400 to 450 knots (460 to 518 miles per hour) at relevant altitudes, hover in austere environments, and land in tight spaces.

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