7 May 2024

The China-­Pakistan-­Afghanistan Triangle

Claudia Chia

The intricate nexus between China, Pakistan, and Taliban-led Afghanistan has garnered considerable attention as these actors maneuver through a complex web of security concerns, diverging interests, and geopolitical pressures. From a security standpoint, both China and Pakistan view Afghanistan as a critical security buffer against the proliferation of threats and extremist activities into their respective territories. As a result, they have identified the Taliban, who have consolidated power and control in most parts of Afghanistan, as the best bet for safeguarding their interests.

The Taliban, however, have not been delivering well on their promise to combat terror groups, and their overtures to expand ties with other regional actors signify a desire to counterbalance Beijing’s and Islamabad’s influence. While each party seeks to advance its own agenda, the dynamics of this trilateral relationship will shape the future trajectory of Afghanistan and its broader implications for regional stability and prosperity.

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