
28 May 2024

Malicious Use of AI and Challenges to Psychological Security: Future Risks

Evgeny Pashentsev

In April 2024, the International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting International Center for Social and Political Studies and Consulting published the report “Malicious Use of AI and Challenges to Psychological Security of BRICS Countries” co-authored with the International Research Group on Threats to International Psychological Security through Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence (Research MUAI) and prepared by 10 researchers from three countries. It focuses on the threats of malicious AI influence on the human psyche, and through this it offers an overview of political, economic, social processes and the activities of state and non-state institutions in ten BRICS countries. The report contains an introduction, ten chapters on the state with MUAI in each of the BRICS member countries and concludes with an analysis of future MUAI threats on a global level. This report does not present the response of the BRICS countries to these new threats, it is at the stage of formation at the national level (from an initial and fragmentary understanding of the severity of these threats in some countries to the adoption of the first legal and technical countermeasures in others) and requires independent consideration.

MUAI and Three Levels of Threats to Psychological Security

The report proceeds from the three-level classification of MUAI threats to psychological security.

At the first level, these threats are associated with deliberately distorted interpretations of the circumstances and consequences of AI development for the benefit of antisocial groups. In this case, AI itself at this level is not directly involved in the destabilization of psychological security. The destructive (open or hidden) impact imparts a false image of AI in the minds of people. Excessive, artificially created negative reaction to AI development (for example, horror stories that robots and AI will soon force all people out of work, workers will become slaves of AI etc.) has certain political and economic goals and is not as harmless as it may seem.

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