31 May 2024

Is Myanmar Teetering On The Verge Of Another Disaster? – OpEd

Dr. Imran Khalid

Myanmar’s military junta is confronting its most formidable challenge since seizing power three years ago. A coalition of ethnic militias and anti-coup groups has disrupted vital trade routes and captured strategic territories and towns. These incursions into former military strongholds mark a historic shift in power dynamics, with resistance forces now commanding control over almost half the country – an achievement unprecedented in Myanmar’s tumultuous history. The junta’s predicament reflects the aggravating complexity of Myanmar’s political landscape, characterized by deep-seated ethnic divisions and a populace weary of military rule.

Data from the Institute for Strategy and Policy – Myanmar reveals a distressing reality. Conflict has engulfed 221 townships in three years, with 141 teetering on the brink of insecurity. Opposition forces have seized at least 35 towns, underscoring the military’s failure to maintain control. This prolonged state of unrest not only exposes the regime’s inability to restore stability but also highlights the resilience of opposition forces. China brokered peace talks between the Tatmadaw and the Brotherhood Alliance on January 10-11, 2024 – resulting in atemporary ceasefire in northern Myanmar. However, the Arakan Army (AA) continued its clashes with the Tatmadaw in Rakhine State, where it now controls several towns. This success has emboldened other opposition groups, including ethnic resistance organizations (EROs) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs), which collectively seized at least 35 towns.

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