
1 May 2024

Drink the Kool-Aid all you want, but don’t call AI an existential threat

Jeff Caruso

In a 2012 essay for Aeon, physicist David Deutsch wrote of artificial intelligence: “I cannot think of any other significant field of knowledge where the prevailing wisdom, not only in society at large but among experts, is so beset with entrenched, overlapping, fundamental errors. Yet it has also been one of the most self-confident fields in prophesying that it will soon achieve the ultimate breakthrough.”

The self-confident prophesying Deutsch wrote of has since continued, except it is now accompanied with the warning that a rogue artificial intelligence could end life on Earth as we know it, and the technology should be categorized as an existential threat.

Artificial intelligence has come into the spotlight since 2022’s release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which was followed by several other text and image generation models. The applications have already been incorporated into businesses, healthcare settings, and even military operations. 

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