28 May 2024

Biden: Range Of Missions Increasing As Pace Of World Change Accelerates

David Vergun

The world is not only changing rapidly, the pace of change is also accelerating. The range of missions that service members are carrying out is also increasing, said President Joe Biden.

Biden, who spoke at the commencement address to the graduating cadets at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York, today, provided some examples of change.

U.S. forces are supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom, not on the ground in Ukraine, but by keeping munitions and equipment flowing into the country, he said. “We are standing strong with Ukraine, and we will stand with them.”

Alliances in the Indo-Pacific region are also being bolstered with nations that include Japan, South Korea, Australia and the Philippines, Biden said.

The president touted the strength of the NATO alliance, applauding the newest members Finland and Sweden.

“No country has allies like ours,” he said.

The U.S. is standing up for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, he said.

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