27 May 2024

A Revision Of ‘As Long As It Takes’ Concept In Context Of Ukraine War And The World Order – OpEd

Alexander Kostyuk

Recently, Kurt Volker, a former U.S. special representative for Ukraine negotiations rised public concern about the well-known statement of President Biden that US will support Ukraine “as long as it takes”. It seems that having went to the third year, the war in Ukraine makes this statement a bit questionable.

“That’s the question. That’s exactly the question. What do you mean when you say “as long as it takes?” As long as what takes? What are you trying to accomplish? And you never get an answer to that. We need to change that. We need to say: “We are here for Ukraine’s victory and the defeat of Russian forces in Ukraine.” We’re not talking about defeating Russia. No one’s invading Russia. No one’s trying to take Russian territory. But Russia has to be defeated in Ukraine”, said Kurt Volker.

President Biden’s statement “as long as it takes” toward the 2022 Russia invasion of Ukraine is not accidental as it is echoed from Senator Biden’s statement with reference to the 1979 Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan.

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