
24 April 2022

China's Security Contractors Have Avoided the Fate of Russia's Military Contractors, So Far

Cortney Weinbaum

China's approach to private security contractors (PSCs) is much more limited in scope and effects than Russia's use of private military contractors (PMCs). The differences are stark. However, indicators suggest that Chinese planners see benefits in expanding and maturing the country's use of private contractors, which creates the potential for dangerous results for China and the rest of the world.

The distinction between a PMC versus a PSC is the difference between a for-hire military contractor versus a security team that merely protects a single static location, like a military base, embassy, or port. Thus far, evidence indicates that China has engaged solely in PSC activities and has intentionally avoided PMC activities, likely due to a deliberate strategy by Xi to avoid regional entanglements and the type of rogue violence committed by Russian PMCs.

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