
30 October 2021

DHS Strategic Framework for Addressing Climate Change

Executive Summary
The impacts of climate change pose both an acute and a systemic threat to the safety, security, and prosperity of the United States. This human-induced warming has already led to changes in the environment, such as rising ocean temperatures, shrinking sea ice, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification. As our climate continues to warm, the Nation will experience even more extreme climate change related disasters, such as heat waves, droughts, wildfires, coastal storms, and inland flooding. These hazards often disproportionately affect the Nation’s most vulnerable communities.

As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to support and coordinate across the homeland security enterprise to address impacts of climate change, the Department will also model best practices to mitigate our own carbon footprint and build resilient capacity to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. This Framework provides the overarching goals, principles, and lines of effort for the Department to counter the effects of climate change on the homeland and join in the global effort to mitigate climate change.

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