Among them is a new joint warfare concept to guide the services as they develop doctrine to take advantage of better networked forces, Gen. Mark A. Milley told reporters traveling with him. Milley said he would soon send the document to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, and hoped to receive approval before he and Austin testify in upcoming congressional budget hearings.
Milley called it “Joint Warfighting Concept 1.0,” hinting at an expectation that the concept will change quickly in the light of more input, and said it will become the “intellectual foundation” for the force’s budgets and postures. He said he expected it to take several years for the services to turn the concept into doctrine that “sergeants and captains and colonels can actually apply” in operations.
“Concepts are used to develop doctrine, to develop organizations that will employ the doctrine and to do force development, force design for weapons systems that you will need to execute the doctrine,” he said.
In the meantime, U.S. Northern Command is continuing experiments into what JADC2 can help warfighters do. The first one wrapped in December; a second, larger one is planned for March 21-23, featuring multiple combatant commands, including Southern Command and Central Command, and functional commands such as Strategic Command and Transportation Command.
“What I’m trying to do with our Global Information Dominance Experiments is to show all the combatant commanders the value of information. The value of data and what we can actually do today if you apply technology that exists today to basically analyze data that previously we’ve analyzed in stovepipes and data had been left on the cutting room floor,” NORTHCOM commander Air Force Gen. Glen D. VanHerck told journalists here on Monday.
For example, VanHerck said, NORTHCOM’s Pathfinder initiative is applying machine learning to radar data, hoping to enable existing sensors to detect new types of weapons rather than create new ones as threats evolve.
U.S. Northern Command has been a leader in fusing large, disparate data streams and using machine learning and other AI techniques to analyze them and speed decision making in real-world operations. Last April, NORTHCOM forecast a spike in COVID cases in Stamford, Connecticut.
Such data fusion should get easier under the new Joint Warfighting Concept, Milley said: among his goals for the year is developing military-wide data standards across the military.
“It’s got to be a joint system that meets baseline standards that are common to all the services so by the end of this year, we want those standards that are common to all the services,” he said. “And we want the services to buy-in. And there’s huge amounts of money involved here, too. So it's pretty significant.”
It would also represent a fundamental change from the way the military has developed weapons and equipment.
“Up until today, all the services, for years, decades, have been developing their own internal systems,” Milley said. “And we end up having to do all these bridges and workarounds etc. So they optimize development for their own internal requirements and they sub-optimize for anything that’s needed for the joint role. But we don’t fight wars as an Army, a Navy…we fight wars as a nation and we fight wars with allies and partners.”
How do you deter an adversary armed with nuclear weapons? Gen. John Hyten, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says the United States should rethink the fundamental “structure” of nuclear deterrence that has remained largely unchanged since Herman Kahn and others grappled with with with it in the 1950s and 1960s. But, he added: don’t discard ground-based intercontinental nuclear missiles, as many in the arms control community have been urging the Biden administration to do.
The U.S. needs to re-examine and possibly broaden what it means by “strategic” and conduct a "strategic deterrence review," Hyten said this week at separate events hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, or CSIS, and the Air Force Association. The term is historically used to refer to nuclear weapons delivered by ICBMs, sub-launched missiles, and nuclear bombers. But deterring such an attack takes more than offensive weapons; it also relies on vulnerable networks of sensors and communications gear. Hyten said any attack on those should be considered “strategic.”
“Any strategic attack — we can look at an opportunity to respond through any number of domains” — meaning land, air, sea, space, and cyberspace — “that we want to. So when you look across the board at strategic deterrence, you have to look across the board in those broad terms,” he said at the Air Force Association event.
The comments are similar to those made by his predecessor and they echo the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, which says that the United States must ensure that adversaries understand that there are no “possible benefits from non-nuclear aggression or limited nuclear escalation. Correcting any such misperceptions is now critical to maintaining strategic stability in Europe and Asia.”
But in his Air Force Association remarks, posted on Friday, Hyten went a bit further. He argued that the United States needs a broader review of strategic deterrence. He said ”I think as we look through the next couple of years of a new administration I would like to see all of those things together in a strategic deterrence review. Because when you look through offense, defense, and all those capabilities together it's really about strategic deterrence. It’s not just about nuclear posture…not about missile defense, not just about space…it’s about all those things together that provide our overall strategic capability and our ability to strategically deter our adversaries,”
Hyten said this is “going to be a difficult problem because we’ve not fully thought it through. But the one thing I know is that without the backstop of the nuclear starts falling apart from the very beginning.”
Take that as a less-than-subtle endorsement for the plan to replace of U.S.ground-based nuclear missiles. Some have urged U.S. leaders to abandon that leg of the triad, in part, because the missiles’ location is always known to the other side, as opposed to bombers and submarines. Also, because of the amount of time it takes them to reach their targets after launch, they give the president the least amount of time to make a humanity-ending decision. Others have urged the Biden administration to at least re-think modernizing them, which the Congressional Budget Office has calculated to cost $61 billion over ten years.
Hyten put forward a defense of ICBMs on Friday, calling them the leg of the triad that is “the most difficult to fully target because in order to target 400 silos across five states in the middle of America an adversary has to commit hundreds, if not thousands, of nuclear weapons in order to try to take that leg out. And if you do that no STRATCOM commander has any problem telling the president of the United States what you have to do.” He called the decision to launch a coordinated, full-scale ICBM attack against the United States “almost an impossible decision to make” for any adversary.
But those adversarial calculations would change if the United States were to remove that leg of the triad, which, Hyten argued, would diminish U.S. offensive capability considerably. “You’re down to a number of platforms you could take out with 20 strategic weapons that could be nuclear and non-nuclear to get after the entire thing because of the way we have the alert posture on the bomber force, the way we have our submarines deployed.”
That would bring the United States “basically an intelligence failure or a technical failure away from losing the entire structure.”
Hyten cautioned that such a move would radically change the balance of nuclear deterrence since the United States and Russia together possess far more nuclear weapons than does China. “If you go to that kind of number, all of a sudden China becomes a peer adversary and maybe even a superior adversary in their nuclear capability and we don’t understand their nuclear doctrine and that puts you in a difficult place. So with that ground-based leg that overall deterrence, especially with China, is really challenged.”
Kingston Reif, the director for disarmament and threat reduction policy at the Arms Control Association, took issue with Hyten’s logic. “Why would Russia risk attacking the U.S. homeland with nuclear weapons when at least 700 U.S. warheads would remain at sea to respond — to say nothing about any remaining bomber forces? Gen. Hyten alludes to the potential unforeseen emergence of a vulnerability to the submarine force. But in that case, silo-based ICBMs would not provide a reliable hedge given their vulnerability.”
Said Reif, whatever benefits ICBMs have, “They can be had at lower numbers and by deferring the development of a new ICBM. Life-extended Minuteman III missiles can get blown up in their silos by incoming Russian ICBMs less expensively than new GBSD missiles."
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