Leigh McManus posted a March 11, 2019 article on the website of the DailyMail.com noting that one of the U.S. Government’s most wanted Taliban fugitives, Mullah Omar “lived within walking distance of U.S. [military] bases in Afghanistan for years, according to a new book, which suggests embarrassing failures of U.S. Intelligence.”
“U.S. and Afghan leaders believed the one-eyed fugitive leader fled to, and eventually died in Pakistan; but, a new biography says [claims] Omar was living just three miles from a major, U.S. Forward Operating Base (FOB), in Zabul Province, where he died in 2013,” Mr. McManus wrote.
“Searching For An Enemy,” by Dutch journalist Bettie Dam, writes that “the Taliban chief lived as a virtual hermit, refusing visits from his family, and filing notebooks with jottings in an imaginary language.” Mr. McManus notes that “Dam spent more than five years researching the book, and interviewed Jabbar Omari, Omar’s bodyguard who hid and protected him after the Taliban regime was overthrown.