IDF said Hezbollah is housing dozens of precision missiles in Lebanon, including in densely populated areas, following six years of efforts, working with Iran's Qud's Force, an elite unit of the Revolutionary Guard.
Iran has armed Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria with hundreds of thousands of long-range missiles. According to intelligence sources in Israel, Hezbollah is planning to launch a long-range war against Israel and fire 3,000 Heavy-Warheads Missiles towards civilian targets in Israel during each fighting day.Under international law, every rocket fired from Gaza and Lebanon into Israel is a double war crime — one for targeting Israeli civilians, another for doing so inside or next to civilian homes, mosques, hospitals and schools, which uses civilians as human shields.
According to security sources, Israel is going to suffer thousands of civilian casualties in the next war against Lebanon.
The media is always silent when Hezbollah and Hamas attack Israel but screams when Israel defends itself.
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