
1 June 2019

Terrorism on the Teardrop Island: Understanding the Easter 2019 Attacks in Sri Lanka

by Amarnath Amarasingam

The Southern Poverty Law Center notes, “white genocide holds that forces—principally Jewish, often coded as ‘globalist’—are pursuing policies seeking to destroy the ‘white race’ in their ‘traditional homelands’ like Europe and the United States through the deliberate importation of non-white people. This is what the torch-bearing white supremacists who marched on the campus of the University of Virginia meant when they chanted ‘Jews will not replace us.’” This drives the conspiratorial worldview that Jews are the most urgent, mortal threat to the white race and justifies violence against Jews to prevent the “white genocide.”


As crazy as it may seem, might we consider that the extremists may have something here?

In this regard, consider the following from the Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. (The article is entitled "Moral Communities or A Market State?")

BEGIN QUOTE (See Page 643)

We agree with Bobbitt that a global transition from Nation States to Market States is now well underway. The chief thesis of this Article is that the Supreme Court has embarked on a program of reshaping constitutional doctrine so as to encourage and facilitate the emergence of a fully developed Market State in this polity, with a view to positioning the United States to be successful in meeting the competitive challenges of a new, post-Cold War international order. In taking this course, the Court has increasingly aligned itself with the prescriptive views of American business and political elites, for whom globalization is understood "not merely [as] a diagnostic tool but also [as] an action program." From this perspective, globalization "represents a great virtue: the transcendence of the traditional restrictions on worldwide economic activity.., inherent" in the era of Nation States. Proponents of this vision of a globalized economy characterize the United States as "a giant corporation locked in a fierce competitive struggle with other nations for economic survival," so that "the central task of the federal government" is "to increase the international competitiveness of the American economy." 

(See Page 698) 

Relying extensively on amicus briefs submitted by elite corporate, military, and educational authorities, Justice O'Connor, writing for the majority, asserted the following:

"Major American businesses have made clear that the skills needed in today's increasingly global marketplace can only be developed though exposure to widely diverse people, cultures, ideas, and viewpoints. What is more, high-ranking retired officers and civilian leaders of the United States military assert that, "[based on [their] decades of experience," a "highly qualified, racially diverse officer corps ... is essential to the military's ability to fulfill its principle mission to provide national security." ...

Bottom Line Thought -- Based on the Above:


a. The primary goal of American business, political, military and educational elite is to (see the bottom of the Page 643 quote above) "increase the international competitiveness of the American economy" (see the bottom of the Page 643 quote above); this, specifically by:

b. (See the Page 698 quote above) ensuring "developed ... exposure to widely diverse people, cultures, ideas and viewpoints," 


c. Might this such strategy, indeed, qualify as (from my first quoted item at the top of my comment here) a " 'globalists' ... pursuit of policies seeking to destroy the ‘white race’ in their ‘traditional homelands’ like Europe and the United States through the deliberate importation of non-white people?" 

(Herein, the importation of a significant number of non-white people, in Europe and the United States, this being seen, by the "globalists"/by American business, etc., elite, as being required so as to provide the necessary diversity -- of people, cultures, ideas and viewpoints -- which will be needed to allow that the European and American economies remain competitive? From this perspective, thus, the threat to such things as the "white race" and "white supremacy" is -- dare we say -- indeed real?)

[This such threat, of course, not justifying terrorist, but, rather, the election of personnel -- such as President Trump -- personnel who are determined to achieve and secure "American economic competitiveness" via ways and means other than "necessary diversity?"]

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