The topics include:
A Smart City Is More Than Just About Technology
In Smart Cities 3.0, the city positions itself as a platform that actively interacts, collaborates and co-creates with its citizens as valuable stakeholders.
Smart Cities: Identifying Needs, Finding Solutions
Early on, cities must prioritize their needs before they can find solutions, shortlist vendors, deploy equipment and implement projects to deliver the right outcomes.
Urban Planning and the Smart City
As cities embark on smart technology projects, their policymaking should focus on solving problems related to growing urban populations.
Using City Data to Develop Innovative Solutions
New levels of collaboration in the sharing of data are helping cities dramatically expand the reach and quality of services to residents.
Finding the Money for Smart City Initiatives
Cities are finding creative ways to finance smart-city projects. They are repurposing existing allocations, and aligning with the private sector, among other actions.
Refining Procurement Processes for Big GainsWhile finding funding for new projects is often one of a city’s biggest challenges, how well those monies are spent is equally important.
Tackling Governance Issues in Smart Cities
Being a metrics-driven city with a commitment to transparency, as well as the prudent structuring of incentives, go a long way toward enhancing governance.
Orlando: Securing Buy-in for Its Sustainability Program
Orlando, Fla., is one city that takes its sustainability efforts seriously. It decided to exceed even the climate-change goals of the 2015 U.N. Paris Agreement.
Atlanta: From Fiscal Crisis to Smart City Savvy
Atlanta, Ga., suffered fiscal woes for years, but these problems are now behind it. The city is looking to secure its future with smart-city initiatives.
Washington, D.C.: A Smart City Can Be Equitable
Washington, D.C., is proof that smart city initiatives can encompass equitability, resilience, sustainability and transparency/collaboration.
San Jose: The Silicon Valley City Gets Even Smarter
San Jose, Calif., is drawing from the talent in Silicon Valley for its smart city projects. One private sector tactic it is using: creating innovation roadmaps.
Kansas City: Making a City Data-smart
Kansas City, Mo., is a pioneer in leveraging public-private partnerships to provide free services to residents. But it is vigilant about protecting the privacy of user data.
The European Way of Designing Smart Cities
European cities are advanced in design and implementation of innovative models, but they face specific issues that challenge the very notion of a smart city.
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