Maimuna Ashraf

How significant are conventional capabilities in the presence of nuclear weapons? For different kinds of wars (i.e. limited, conventional, or nuclear), a credible deterrent posture constitutes both nuclear and advanced conventional weapons. It is believed that modern conventional weapon systems could substitute for actions earlier exclusively limited to nuclear weapons, and even produce the same effect as nuclear weapons as far as counterforce is concerned. This implies that in the future, wars with or without the limited use of nuclear weapons can occur. As observed in the words of Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, the Soviet Chief of the General Staff, the employment of such advanced conventional weapons would constitute a “qualitative leap in the development of conventional means of destruction, which would make it possible to use conventional systems in qualitatively new incomparable, more destructive forms than before.”
India’s Military Strategy
In the case of South Asia, India’s quest to explore the space for limited conventional war below Pakistan’s nuclear thresholds has shifted the strategic debate in the region to the merits of limited aim strategies, i.e. Cold Start, that might be pursued despite Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities. In response to potential Indian proactive war strategies, Pakistan has introduced the low-yield, short-range ballistic missile system (SRBMs), (HATF-IX)/Nasr, with the intention of using it as a last resort against Indian forces in the case of impending failure of conventional defenses. In this way, Pakistan has adopted a cost-effective solution to Indian proactive war strategies that complements its conventional forces, neutralizes India’s growing technological edge, and bridges the conventional disparity between the two rivals.
In response to Pakistan’s introduction of Nasr, India has begun to shift away from the traditional logic of conventional deterrence towards the use of conventional weapons and dual-capable missiles to bolster its deterrence by punishment strategy. With the aim of destroying Pakistan’s strategic and high-value assets (such as exposed Nasr batteries), India is pursuing new conventional weapon technologies to form the basis of its counterforce capabilities, including precision guided munitions, missile defenses, stand-off weapons, and cyber operations.
Pakistan’s Conventional Developments
Although Pakistan’s full-spectrum deterrence doctrine has succeeded in deterring an Indian full-scale military attack in the past, the persistent conventional imbalance and India’s revisions to its conventional doctrines have pushed Pakistan to modernize and upgrade its conventional capabilities.
Although Pakistan’s full-spectrum deterrence doctrine has succeeded in deterring an Indian full-scale military attack in the past, the persistent conventional imbalance and India’s revisions to its conventional doctrines have pushed Pakistan to modernize and upgrade its conventional capabilities.
Besides Nasr, Pakistan is improving its existing conventional platforms to deter (by denial) Indian proactive conventional war strategies and any potential conventional counterforce aims. To this end, it is updating its conventional strategies, conducting military exercises, improving its weapons systems, and seeking new defense partnerships. For instance, Pakistan developed an offensive-defense “Riposte” strategy after 1989. The strategy calls for a Pakistani Army strike corps to launch an offensive in an event of war, with the aim of occupying Indian-territory near border while holding back the initial hostile advances. To supplement this doctrine, Pakistan has reorganized its strategic reserves, i.e. the Army Reserve North and Army Reserve South. In addition, Pakistan’s six defensive Corps are situated in close proximity to Indian territory; these are the country’s initial defenses against Indian conventional aggression. In addition, conventional military exercises—such as Azm-e-Nau, New Concept of War Fighting (NCWF), High Mark, Strike of Thunder, and Sea Spark—are positioned to enhance the synergy of Pakistan’s three military services and combat readiness along the eastern border.
To further consolidate conventional deterrence against India, Pakistan is actively engaged in negotiations and contracts for upgrades and procurement of conventional armaments from various suppliers. Initiatives in the conventional domain such as additions to and/or modernization of its cruise missile program, air defenses, unmanned aerial vehicles, and surface and sub-surface fleet (see below table) will help Pakistan implement a limited or large-scale conventional military operation against India if the need arises by denying the Indian Air Force the ability to achieve air superiority over Pakistan. Furthermore, improvements in air defenses will enable Pakistani ground forces to conduct defensive and counter-offensive operations against Indian integrated battle groups (IBGs) or strike corps.
Pakistan Conventional Arms Developments
System | Description | Status |
Babur | Sub-sonic cruise missile | Upgraded Babur II introduced December 2016 |
HD-1 | Chinese-origin super-sonic cruise missile | Successfully test fired in China October 2018; Pakistan reported to be a likely buyer |
ATAK T-129 | Turkish-origin attack helicopter | Pakistan signed deal to buy 30 units from Turkey in July 2018 |
Mi-35 | Russian-origin attack helicopter | Deal signed with Russia in 2015; shipments began April 2018 |
Oplot-M | Ukrainian-origin main battle tank | Pakistan in talks with Ukraine as of May 2017 to buy 100 tanks |
Al-Khalid 2 | Main battle tank | Start of production by Heavy Industry Taxila reported November 2017 |
LY-80 | Chinese-origin air defense system | Acquisition by Pakistan reported August 2017 |
FD-2000 | Chinese export variant of the HQ-9 surface-to-air missile | Pakistan has expressed interest in the system; details of procurement undetermined |
Wing Loong II | Chinese-origin unmanned combat aerial vehicle | Joint manufacturing agreement announced October 2018 |
JF-17 | Fighter jet | Pakistan collaborating with China to upgrade radar system |
Type 039A/041 | Chinese-origin diesel electric attack submarine | Eight conventional attack submarines scheduled to be delivered to Pakistan by 2022 |
Sea King | UK-origin anti-submarine warfare helicopter | Seven ex-RAF units purchased by Pakistan in May 2017 |
Type 054A Jiangkai II | Chinese-origin multirole frigate | Four units to be delivered to Pakistan by 2021 |
MILGEM Ada-class | Turkish-origin patrol and anti-submarine warfare ship | Contract for delivery of four units signed July 2018 |
Damen OPV 1800 | Dutch-origin off-shore patrol vessel | Contract signed June 2017 |

Sources from news articles
The additions will also help reduce the yawning gap between the Indian and Pakistani navies in surface and sub-surface warfare, enhancing the Pakistan Navy’s ability to protect the country’s coast line and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), including its port installations in Karachi and Gwadar, and defend Pakistan’s vital sea lanes of communication (SLOCs) against a possible Indian blockade and interdiction during a conflict. These naval capabilities are critical to sustaining a war effort, even during a short conflict or limited war.
Another change is afoot in Pakistan’s expanding defense partnerships. In the past, China has played a primary role in assisting Pakistan in a multi-dimensional strategic partnership that comprises civilian nuclear energy, conventional arms sales, and military exercises. However, more recently, Pakistan has included Turkey, Italy, and Russia in its list of partners for conventional weapons. These new defense partnerships, acquisitions, and upgrades will help Pakistan to maintain a credible level of conventional preparedness and contain India’s conventional weapons asymmetry.
Consequences for Regional and Strategic Stability
[Pakistan’s conventional developments] provide a range of response options and increase the nuclear threshold, since Pakistan will not be forced to retaliate with nuclear weapons as an initial response to a limited conventional incursion.
The abovementioned developments indicate that Pakistan is pursuing a dual-track military modernization program to establish a conventional deterrent capable of combating India’s denial strategies as well as its limited war aims. These capabilities will provide a response to conventional threats and growing asymmetry with India, which has been the world’s top net importer of conventional weapons in the recent past. Moreover, they will provide a range of response options and increase the nuclear threshold, since Pakistan will not be forced to retaliate with nuclear weapons as an initial response to a limited conventional incursion. A credible conventional deterrent will decrease the chances of a conventional confrontation in the South Asian strategic landscape.
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