Tunku Varadarajan, a Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution recently sat down with polymath and prolific author, sage, George Gilder (78); and, he had a feature article in the weekend’s/Sept. 1/2, 2018, edition of the Wall Street Journal. I refer you to Mr. Vardarajan’s article for the full interview. “Mr. Gilder is one of a dwindling breed of polymath Americans who thrive in a society of intellectual silos,” Mr. Vardarajan eloquently wrote. “As academics know more and more, about less and less,” Mr. Vardarajan wrote, Mr. Gilder “opens brazenly on subjects whose range would keep several university faculties on their toes: marriage and family, money and economics, law and regulation, and the social role of technology, a subject that engrosses him at present, and the subject of his latest book, “Life After Google: The Fall Of Big Data, And The Rise Of The Blockchain Economy.”