1 June 2018
Modi govt’s proposal to change how service & cadre are allocated to civil servants – a good idea?

What the Long, Corruption-Enabling, Mostly Failed Afghanistan-Stabilization Effort Tells Us

North Korea Wants to End up Like Pakistan, Not Libya

Erdogan Has Mastered Democracy
ISTANBUL — An animated two-minute video released by supporters of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan just days before his re-election Sunday depicted Turkey’s longtime leader as “Superdogan,” his face superimposed on the mustachioed protagonist of Nintendo’s Super Mario franchise. Erdogan racks up points as he becomes mayor of Istanbul, which he rids of pollution and garbage; he accumulates more even as the “people” free him from prison, and he becomes the country’s leader.
The points really add up as he slays inflation and allows a woman wearing a hijab into a university. He shoves aside leftists and liberals, as well as Israel, protesters at Gezi Park, reaching arrows that prompt him to continue on, developing industries and building vast projects, grabbing money from the sky, and hastily pushing aside political opponents as he scores win after win.
It’s a video that Erdogan’s critics, domestic and foreign alike, would do well to consider. There is plenty not to like about Erdogan, who will become Turkey’s longest-serving ruler if he completes his first term in the new role of executive president on the centenary of the republic in 2023. In recent years, Erdogan has been accused of undermining Turkey’s democratic institutions. He has jailed hundreds of journalists and activists, while his government has prosecuted dozens of people for critical posts on social media. He has faced allegations of undermining the independence of the judiciary, and for using state institutions for political gain.
But, amid all the criticisms, one basic fact should not be overlooked: The man knows how to win an election. And his political skills are as much — if not more — responsible for his unprecedented success as his autocratic excesses.
Trump breaks trade cease-fire with China ahead of Ross visit to Beijing

A Conversation About U.S. Credibility
By Jacob L. Shapiro
In an era in which reality is so often defined by how well something can be quantified, politics is a stubborn outlier. Some aspects are quantifiable, especially as they relate to military strength or economic conditions: We can measure the number and range of Iran’s missiles, or the widening wealth gap in the United States. But data (especially economic data) is imperfect, and it’s often deceptive. For instance, that Iran has a certain number of missiles says nothing about the quality of the missiles, let alone whether Iran would use them. “Political science” emerged as an academic discipline in the 19th century out of a desire to treat politics like a science – to define its truths in terms of empirical data, not ancient Greek philosophical principles. But exclusive reliance on data is no better than exclusive reliance on theory. And unfortunately, especially in the United States, political science has become not just data-driven but data-obsessed.
Beyond Tech Transfer: The Challenge of Chinese Tech Expanding Abroad
By Grzegorz Stec

The U.S.-China Trade War
By Roncevert Ganan Almond

The New Silk Road Is Old: Why You Should Ignore Belt and Road Initiative Maps
By Krzysztof Iwanek

Army leaders need more payoff from cyber
By: Mark Pomerleau
Managing Expectations for NAFTA
By Allison Fedirka
It’s a lesson every world leader learns, even those who understand it going in: Campaigning is easy, governing is hard. Donald Trump, both the candidate and the president, repeatedly said the United States would completely overhaul, if not walk away from, the North American Free Trade Agreement. But time constraints, elections and business pressure have all conspired against any lofty expectations for a renegotiated NAFTA. It now appears the changes to the treaty will be more of a refresh than a remake.
F.B.I.’s Urgent Request: Reboot Your Router to Stop Russia-Linked Malware

The Korean nuclear roller coaster: Has time run out for a summit?
Jonathan D. Pollack
The turbulence and drama on the Korean Peninsula over the past week defies imagination. On May 24, President Trump withdrew from his planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, acting almost as impulsively as when he first agreed to the meeting in early March. Following a conciliatory response from Pyongyang’s senior nuclear negotiator Kim Kye-gwan, the president two days later sharply reversed course and said that the summit might still take place.
Cyber Caliphate: What Apps Are The Islamic State Using? – Analysis
By Alexander Mamaev*

The US and North Korea, Still Miles Apart
U.S. President Donald Trump canceled next month’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on May 24, citing the “tremendous anger and open hostility” of recent North Korean rhetoric. (Of course, North Korea says angry and openly hostile things all the time; it would be more suspicious if it suddenly stopped.) Trump later said the summit might still happen with unspecified “constructive steps” from Kim. But the U.S. and North Korean positions on the North’s nuclear program are still miles apart, and the U.S. simply wasn’t going to get much of what it wanted in the June 12 summit in Singapore. It’s not clear if the White House ever truly thought otherwise – or, if so, why it did.
Senators look to emphasize U.S. cyber prowess
Here’s how to ensure readiness of cyber forces
By: Mark Pomerleau
One of these four robot vehicles could take the load off Army squads
By: Todd South
This year, two Army IBCTs and a not-yet-disclosed Marine unit will be testing variants of a load-bearing robot vehicle. Todd South tells us more. By November, two Army infantry brigade combat teams and a not-yet-disclosed Marine unit will be testing four variants of a load-bearing robot vehicle for the next year. During a technology demonstration focusing on Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis’ push to make close combat forces more lethal, officials with the Squad Multipurpose Equipment Transportshowcased the four submissions. The options range from vehicles with four, six and eight wheels and a tracked version. Each has its own characteristics but must meet basic needs. Army Capt. Erika Hanson, assistant product manager for SMET at Program Executive Office Combat Support and Combat Service Support, said the vehicle is designed to take the burden off the soldier.
The Pentagon has a ‘major’ automated information systems problem
Here’s how the Navy is developing information warfare ‘Top Guns’
An offensive cyber capability for every country
By: Kelsey Atherton
Senate Defense Bill Aims to Scrub Cyber Adversaries from U.S. Military Tech

Encryption: the cornerstone of information and national security
Central Command Needs High-Level Middle East Cyber Ops Advisers, Fast

Smart Rifles For Foot Soldiers: Army NGSW Prototype Contracts Out In June
A soldier fires his M249 SAW Squad Automatic Weapon in Afghanistan.

US Air Force Is Waiting a Year for Parts That It Could 3D-Print

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