‘FaceBook Is Why We Need A — Digital Protection Agency — It’s Not Just The Cambridge Analytica Debacle, Ethics Don’t Scale,’ One Technologist Argues Paul Ford posted a feature article, March 21, 2018, with the title above to Bloomberg.com. Mr. Ford is a writer, computer programmer, and co-founder of Postlight, a digital product studio based in New York that specializes in mobile, and web development. Mr. Ford begins, “Over and over the last 20 years, we’ve watched low-cost, or free Internet communications platforms spring from the good intentions, or social curiosity of tech folks. We’ve watched as these platforms expanded in power and significance, selling their influence to advertisers. Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Google they grew so fast. One day, they are a lovable new way to see kid pix, next thing you know — they’re re-configuring democracy, governance, and business,” he wrote.