by R Jagannathan
10 January 2018
Government Mustn’t Be In Denial Over Aadhaar Security; It Is Real, But Largely Fixable
India’s First Nuclear-Powered Missile Submarine Has Been Out of Action for 10 Months
Dave Majumdar
An Ominous New Year for India
Mihir Sharma

'US wants Haqqanis, not Saeed'
'Perhaps the biggest indication was its striking decision in November to delink LeT from its aid certification process.' 'The administration decided that the US, in order to send military aid to Pakistan, would not need to certify that Pakistan is cracking down on LeT.' 'Perhaps the administration was trying to offer a carrot -- in effect, we're backing off on LeT, but in return we expect you (Pakistan) to go after the Haqqanis.' 'Either way, the optics were dreadful for the US given that Hafiz Saeed was released from house arrest a few days after the US move.' The US reacted angrily, but eventually it moved on, and refocused on its core concern: The Afghan-focused terror groups.'
The Illusion of Strategy in Afghanistan: No Change in Pakistan’s Malice
By Robert M. Cassidy,

The End of the US-Pakistan Alliance
By George Friedman
The U.S.-Pakistan alliance is over. The Pakistani foreign minister said as much during a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, a statement made in response to the announcement that the U.S. would cut off all aid to Pakistan for its failure to suppress jihadists in Afghanistan and, according to some, for its role in aiding them. There is reason to believe the statement is not just politics as usual. The interests of Pakistan and the U.S. are profoundly different, and though it is possible for them to reconcile them, it is unlikely.
The war against Islamic State will be won — or lost — on the cyber battlefield
Matthew R. A. Heiman
President Trump and Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis should be congratulated for contributing to the steady decline of Islamic State’s territorial claims.Several years ago, in October 2014, Islamic State controlled land from central Syria to the fringe of Baghdad — territory that included large key cities such as Mosul, Fallujah and Tikrit in Iraq and Raqqah in Syria. Today, it controls only a sparsely populated chunk of desert on both sides of the Iraq-Syria border. Its shrinking territory notwithstanding, Islamic State continues to fly a black flag of aggression rather than a white flag of surrender. It flies this flag most effectively online, using the internet to promote warped religious views, recruit fighters, inspire deadly acts of terrorism and encourage disruption and chaos.
Will Pakistan Close NATO’s Supply Routes into Afghanistan? Mattis Plays Down Possibility

Persistent, Expanding and Worrisome’: ISIS Rebounds in Afghanistan

Pakistan Tests An Indigenously Developed Anti-Ship Cruise Missile
By Ankit Panda

China-Myanmar Security Operation Spotlights Big Drug Challenge
By Prashanth Parameswaran

Taiwan isn’t China, and Taiwanese aren’t Chinese
By Jeff Jacoby
China's Hypersonic Weapon Ambitions March Ahead
By Ankit Panda

China Dominates Skyscraper Construction
When the Protests Die Down, Iran's Economic Problems Will Live On

The sensitive reform measures necessary to overhaul subsidy systems, labor laws and business contracts, which are as much political as they are economic, will probably set off more unrest in the future.
How $650 drones are creating problems in Iraq and Syria
By: Mark Pomerleau
Time for Germany to Learn to Lead
By Christiane Hoffmann
Washington's move to abandon its global leadership role marks the end of Germany's foreign policy innocence. Berlin will soon be faced with difficult choices that could dent its moral standing. It is often a single sentence that goes down in history, one that epitomizes an idea, a movement, an era or a personality. Two sentences from Angela Merkel come to mind. One, focused on domestic politics, was an entreaty: "We can do it." It was a pledge and a plea to all Germans in the face of the huge influx of Syrian refugees who entered Germany in 2015.
Cryptocurrency may be getting quietly channeled to North Korea university: report
A cybersecurity company said it has found software that appears to install code for mining cryptocurrency and sends any mined coins to a server at a North Korean university, the latest sign that North Korea may be searching for new ways to infuse its economy with cash.
The application, which was created on Dec. 24, uses host computers to mine a cryptocurrency called Monero. It then sends any coins to Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang, said cybersecurity firm AlienVault, which examined the program.“Crypto-currencies may provide a financial lifeline to a country hit hard by sanctions, and as a result universities in Pyongyang have shown a clear interest in cryptocurrencies,” the California-based security firm said in a release, adding that the software “may be the most recent product of their endeavors.”
Does Government Spending Stimulate The Economy?
How U.S. Intelligence Agencies Underestimated North Korea

Agency Transformed, NSA Chief Rogers Set for Spring Departure

Infographic Of The Day: Why Hackers Hack - Motives Behind Cyberattacks
To Stay Safe On The Internet, Don't Stand Out From The Herd
by Scott Stewart
How 30-day prototyping could solve the Army’s cyber-buying woes
By: Amber Corrin
U.S. Army photo by SGT Mike MacLeod
“A course of action that integrates ends, ways and means to meet policy objectives.” While this definition of strategy might be improved by the addition of the phrase “…while considering risk,” it is still as clear, concise, and functional a definition of strategy as there is. It provides a useful guide for both the development and the analysis of strategy. An analysis of the current U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, using this definition of strategy as an analytical framework, would be an interesting academic exercise. However, Afghanistan is a wicked problem – one that is not simply complicated but also complex and with no clear solutions – and wicked problems tend to defy strategies. Wicked problems are best addressed through leadership, and one of the core leadership skills necessary to address wicked problems is to ask a lot of questions.