The Wounded Lion in Dragon’s ‘Peaceful Rise’
By S Rajasimman
As defence and strategıc analyst ın Indıa and China begın to present theır post-crisis analysıs on the recent near-sımultaneous wıthdrawal of troops along the trı-junctıon between Indıa-Chına-Bhutan (Doklam), thıs presentation ıntends to present a synthesis wıth a objectıve to address the overall health of Sıno-Indıan relatıons. In addition to multiple categories used to classify China and India – Land neighbours, undemarcated but tranquil borders, civilisational entities, great powers, regional hegemons etc – both these countries have had varying approach towards their respective recent past. While China has committed itself to undo its past in order to seek its rightful place among the commity of nations.
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