JULY 29, 2016
Dear Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Mitch McConnell, Senator Harry Reid, and Representative Nancy Pelosi:
This is not a partisan issue. The foreign attack was an assault on the integrity of the entire American political process. Instead of focusing on who may have benefited and who was damaged, the investigation should focus on discovering the facts concerning the role of Russian intelligence in the hacking, whether others were involved, and the role of Wikileaks in disseminating the stolen information.
Congress has a responsibility to get to the bottom of this extraordinary breach, not only to determine who was responsible but also to consider the appropriate response. Those responsible for this gross interference in our political process, and those who might contemplate similar moves in the future, need to understand that such actions will have consequences.
Elliott Abrams
Max Boot
Eliot Cohen
Charles Davidson
Paula Dobriansky
Thomas Donnelly
Eric Edelman
Peter Feaver
Richard Fontaine
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Christopher J. Griffin
Michael V. Hayden
Brian Hook
Will Inboden
Jamil Jaffer
Robert Joseph
Robert Kagan
Jim Kolbe
David J. Kramer
Trygve Olson
Danielle Pletka
Mark Salter
Kori Schake
Randy Scheunemann
Kurt Volker
John Yoo
Dov Zakheim
Roger Zakheim
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