SUFFOLK, Va. — The massive coordinated cyber attack began with rolling blackouts throughout the electrical grid stretching across the Midwest, leaving up to 10 million Americans' homes without power and businesses unable to process credit and debit card purchases.
Attacks on the Defense Department's networks threatened the systems that monitor North American airspace and the radars on which the U.S. military relies.
Total mayhem.
This fictitious scenario was laid out for nearly 1,000 military, government and private sector personnel here at this year’s Cyber Guard exercise, the nation’s largest test of its network defenses. Conducted over nine days in June, the event offered a disturbing look at the type of catastrophe that could unfold during what the government's top officials call “cyber 9/11.”
“For us, it’s not a question of if it will happen but when,” said Coast Guard Rear Adm. Kevin Lunday, U.S. Cyber Command’s director of training. “The more relevant question is: When it does [happen], will we as a Department of Defense, will we as a nation and with our allies, be ready for it?”
While Cyber Guard is a classified event, Military Times was part of a small, select group of media granted rare access to the exercise's final day. Officials with the highly secretive CYBERCOM provided a tour of the facility, and interviews with participants and organizers.
This year’s exercise was focused on defensive capabilities. The scenario involved an opposing force, referred to as a “red team.” The major nation state — though unnamed, it was most likely China or Russia — mounted an attack on the United States’ energy and transportation infrastructure. The scenario at last year’s exercise simulated an attack on major financial institutions.
About half of the participants were from CYBERCOM. The others included civilians from the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and other government agencies, and private sector officials from energy companies, major port facilities and privately owned internet service providers. The training network, built specifically for this exercise, replicates military and private-sector communications systems but is not connected to the internet. Training on an internet connection would risk releasing classified — or potentially catastrophic — code-based weaponry into the public realm.
Cyber Guard participants huddle June 16, 2016, during a training scenario in Suffolk, Virginia. (Photo: Petty Officer 2nd Class Jesse Hy/Navy)
The exercise was orchestrated from a “white cell” command post, where administrators direct the “red team” attacks and monitor responses from the “blue teams” assigned to defend American networks. The white cell room bustled with military and civilian personnel, tapping on keyboards and monitoring large wall-mounted screens with maps and graphs illustrating the networks' flow of data.
“It’s not a rote script. It’s a series of injections," one of the exercise planners said. For example, maybe the oil spill gets really bad really quickly, the official said. Maybe the attack spreads to interstate highways by disabling gates, manipulating electronic traffic signals and creating havoc on the roadways.
At one point in the exercise, the personnel trying to fix the problem saw their keyboard converted into a foreign language script, rendering them unable to read the code they typed on the screen, one official said. The trainees suffered a lot of setbacks. But the point of the exercise is not a traditional competition between the Americans and the opposing forces.
“I’m often asked: ‘Who is winning?’ Lunday said. “But this is not a capture-the-flag scenario. It’s a classic military training exercise. We are assessing their capability to perform their mission-essential tasks. The opposing force works for me, and I direct them to dial up the pressure to keep that training audience at the point of failure, where that learning is going to occur.”
Noteworthy progress, but work remains
The exercise is a major milestone for CYBERCOM's teams, who are striving for what the military calls “Full Operational Capability,” or FOC status. Created in 2010, CYBERCOM is standing up a cyber-mission force of 6,200 active-duty specialists organized in 133 teams.
Progress has been slower than hoped, however. The target date for standing up those teams was initially set for the end of 2016, but that deadline has been pushed out to 2018. So far, about half of those teams have reached what's called “initial operational capability,” and only 27 have reached “full operational capability,” the final phase of readiness development.
CYBERCOM sent 24 teams to the Cyber Guard exercise in Virginia, each with about 30 to 40 personnel. All of those units have IOC status and are working toward FOC status.
CYBERCOM is still a relatively new organization, and military officials continue to hammer out details for how to define and measure readiness. For now, the annual exercise is one of the cyber force’s primary opportunities to assess the force’s capabilities.
“Cyber Guard is a pretty good example of where our force is at,” said Maj. Gen. Paul Nakasone, commander of the Cyber National Mission Force, which is the component that conducts offensive operations in cyber space. “Four years ago, we came here with soldiers, sailors, airman and Marines that were really focused on individual skills. ... Now four years later, we come with teams that are trained, ready to be certified, ready to be tested at a higher level.”
In addition to the hundreds of troops at the main facility in Suffolk, the exercise was wired into several other locations where participants were working simultaneously on the same network. That included teams at Fort Meade in Maryland and a Homeland Security team in Pensacola, Fla.
The network used for Cyber Guard will be dismantled when it's over. That’s a concern for CYBERCOM's top officials, who have requested millions of dollars to build a “persistent training environment” that will permanently link the military's cyber training facilities and make team-level activities a routine part of training.
“Here’s our challenge,” Nakasone said. “This is once a year. I need teams that can do this rapidly more than once a year.”
Command-and-control: It's complicated
In one room, about 25 people from the Defense Department and the Federal Aviation Administration fought back an attack on the FAA’s networks that provide a vital stream of data used by the military to monitor and protect U.S. airspace. While the simulation did not seek to shut down that FAA’s system, the malicious code, known as malware, was stealing vast amounts of data and sending it to an adversary with detailed visibility on North American airspace.
In another room, one team of California reservists worked alongside the civilians who run southern California's major ports. The reservists, activated by the governor, were assigned to support the civilian efforts.
Adm. Michael S. Rogers, head of U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency. (Photo: Petty Officer 2nd Class Jesse Hy/Navy)
Throughout the exercise, intelligence was relayed up and down the chain of command. Reservists working with port officials sent reports about the kind of malware they identified and evidence that might reveal who is behind the attack. At the same time, that team was receiving intelligence about the attack's source, specifically the web addresses that will help block further infiltration.
In the real world, that would be a tricky legal situation. Like most of nation's major infrastructure, the ports — and their networks — are owned by private companies who must authorize any actions by the military's cyber force. The military would have to provide “over-the-shoulder” support unless a detailed legal agreement was put into place that would allow direct access to the private network.
“A man filling sandbags to stop a flood is different from a man sitting down at a keyboard and looking at your network,” said one reserve officer. “We might say ‘Hey, we need to put a block in the firewall.’ They approve it, and we do it.”
In April the Government Accountability Office published a troubling report that said the Pentagon does not have a clear chain of command for responding to a massive cyber-attack, mainly due to policies that blur the lines between U.S. Northern Command and U.S. Cyber Command. One point of this exercise is to start untangling this knot of legal issues.
Some might fall under law enforcement jurisdiction, handled by the FBI. Others might appear to be acts of war that would fall under war-related authorities, require military support or involvement from the intelligence agencies. In some cases, military cyber specialists would operate as a traditional active-duty force. In other cases, they might be reservists activated by state governors.
Several months before Cyber Guard, CYBERCOM hosted what's called a “tabletop exercise” that delved into many of these legal and policy issues, official said. Ultimately, they will be central to White House discussions about responding to a real cyber attack. However, they were not a focus of this exercise.
“This is a tactical exercise,” one CYBERCOM official said. “We’re not necessarily exercising the high-level command and control.”
The Government Accountability Office says the Pentagon does not have a clear chain of command for responding to a massive cyber-attack. (Photo: Petty Officer 2nd Class Jesse Hy/Navy)
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