23 April 2016

The impact of China on Europe and Central Asia

Abstract The economies of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) are facing complex challenges. In the eastern part of the region the task of governments is to orchestrate a coordinated crisis response. The collapse of oil revenues and the associated decline in remittances triggered a chain reaction of shocks. Adjustment to these shocks requires a new monetary policy regime, resolution of serious fragilities in banking sectors, fiscal reforms that put government finances on a sustainable path, while guaranteeing fair burden sharing, and facilitation of job creation in sectors that compete internationally. In the western part of the region policy coordination within the European Union is being tested by the refugee crisis and a possible Brexit. Meanwhile the Chinese economy has slowed down and is in the process of fundamental transformation. Also these developments have major impacts on the ECA region. The report analyses all these challenges and points at the opportunities to become more competitive in global markets. See Less -


Author Timmer, Hans; Bussolo, Maurizio; Gould, David Michael; Letelier, Raquel Alejandra; Nguyen, Tu Chi; Panterov, Georgi Lyudmilov; Shaw, William; Ushakova, Ekaterina; Burns, Andrew; Izvorski, Ivailo V.; Pigato, Miria A.; Sanchez, Carolina;
Document Date 2016/04/01 06:07:05
Document Type Publication
Report Number 104605
Volume No 1
Total Volume(s) 1
Country Europe and Central Asia;
Region Europe and Central Asia;
Disclosure Date 2016/04/07 06:06:18
Disclosure Status Disclosed
Doc Name The impact of China on Europe and Central Asia

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Complete Report in English

Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)
Official PDF, 138 pages 6.73 mb

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